
“The love of learning, the sequestered nooks,
And all the sweet serenity of books.”
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Ahhh, books… I learned to read when I was five. Well, before that I loved books too but mostly to draw on, especially with a green ink ball pen.

My favourite summer pastime was reading all the books that we had on the reading list for the next school year. Then I read them again during school months. I probably was just a little bit nerdy, glasses included. I read everything that we had on our bookshelf, didn’t care much about sticking to one topic. Gardening, dog grooming, history of the world, Tolstoy – yes please! Kids encyclopedia  was especially appealing – all these amazing articles on a thousand different things in one enormous volume, oh no, two volumes! I also loved books on parenting and child psychology. I think I was twelve at that time.

I haven’t changed. I normally read two-three books at the same time. I have a pile of books on the coffee table, another one on my bedside table, some more on my desk, and it is very easy to find a lonely book  lying on the floor somewhere around the place waiting for its turn to be read. My inbox is full of emails from online bookstores. My credit card statement boasts a variety of bookstore names every month. There is always something in transit, something exciting and wrapped in brown paper.

But looks like this darling little friend of mine  is going to beat me and become an even more avid bookworm!



Happy Reading!

A Year of Self-Portraits

“There is no fixed, true and real person inside of you or me, precisely because being a person necessarily implies becoming a person, being in process”.

– John Powell

I created my first self-portrait when I was, I think, eleven. Or twelve. I am not sure. But I remember being stuck at home sick with some kind of flu or something, bored. I couldn’t go to my art classes. So I picked up the pencil and the mirror and created the picture of self, dark circles under my eyes, braids and sad face. I don’t know where it is now but I have a perfect picture in my mind of how it looked like, and the resemblance was rather striking. But it is not the resemblance I remember most, it is the feeling of trying to record who I was at that point, inside. Soul-searching at eleven. Or twelve, I can’t say for sure.

All these years later, I don’t draw or paint as much as I take pictures now. I am not a stranger to the concept of photographic self-portraits either. But one day I found Gail Werner’s blog and got so very inspired by her amazingness that I had to do the same thing she does. That girl is mind-blowingly gifted. Gail takes a self-portrait a month. I have committed to doing exactly the same in 2012. Gail reminds me of a dear childhood friend with whom I spent many happy hours drawing and painting and creating together at our art school. Thank you Gail, for being you.

I know it is already February (well, soon it will be almost March…) but here is my January self-portrait.

January was creative. January was productive. I spent many hours in January dreaming and writing. It was also about lists. Mostly lists of goals. Lists are good.

Anyway, here I am, capturing my dreams and putting them on paper, back in January 2012.

January Self Portrait

February self-portrait is coming very soon, and I promise to make it a real February one, not the “Oh I haven’t noticed it’s already March but here we go” one.

Take care.

[…] wrote my goals in January. I started making them real in February. I knew what the road ahead was going to be like […]

Instagram Moments

“We do not remember days; we remember moments.”

– Cesare Pavese

There are so many tools available for us today to capture the darling little moments of your life, and they are always at hand, and they are so easy to use. One of them is Instagram but I warn you – it’s addictive (as mentioned in my About section above).  When I see something that touches my heart I can simply pull out my phone, press the button and share that moment with the world. I am always fascinated that I can see through other people’s eyes what is happening at this very moment on the other side of the planet. I can take a picture from my balcony of tonight’s sunset and then discover how other people saw it. Isn’t it just the most clever app? It makes me stop and think and appreciate more.

And here are a few moments of my life that happened in the last few weeks:
