Tag Archives: Sydney Children Photographer

Baby Love

When a tiny little human is born, this world becomes brighter. There is so much joy, so much wonder. So much love. Meet Baby Henry and his beautiful Mommy and Daddy.

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Baby Boy

Ten sweet little toes. Ten delicate little fingers. Your tiny button of a nose. The softest baby hair. The quiet, even breath. You are safe in your Mommy and Daddy’s arms. You are much loved by your big sister. You are a gift, a miracle, you are the mystery of life. You are tiny, but […]

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In the Backyard

We are so grateful for this little secluded corner of the world that we now call home. After years and years of living in apartments high above ground, we finally have our own patch of green grass, our own little garden to tend. There are bees, and birds, and the neighbours’ cat who visits occasionally. […]

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Stop and Blow the Bubbles

The last couple of months have been busy – we are preparing to move into our first home. As the big day is getting closer, and the trips to Bunnings become more and more frequent; and my head and my phone are full of endless to-do lists, I notice how much less present I am. […]

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Slow and Steady

He is not walking without support yet but he will be in a matter of weeks*** I guess. He made two little steps all by himself yesterday but as much as we tried to coax him into doing it again he didn’t bother and just continued crawling around happily or walking holding our hands for […]

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