
December was a big and busy month – Daniel turned five, had his birthday disco party, had his preschool graduation, and, of course, we did all the things you do before Christmas – putting up the tree, decorating the house with lights (we absolutely love that part of getting ready for the holiday season), driving around to see the lights in our neighbourhood, etc, etc. Let’s also throw in one massive hailstorm with hailstones size of golf balls, and you have a few quite exciting weeks. So the quietness and relaxation of Christmas Day were welcomed with open arms (it’s our family tradition that after we open the presents in the morning we do nothing except play with whatever Daniel got from Santa, eat, and walk to our local beach in the afternoon).

It was the best Christmas we’ve had. Ever. Holidays are pure joy with a five-year-old – he was so excited about every single thing about Christmas that it was hard not to get excited together with him. Everything, from wrapping the lights around the tree to checking the advent calendar every morning, counting sleeps, and, of course, falling asleep on Christmas Eve knowing that magic is all around us.

I am not ready to let go yet so the tree is going to light up our living room every night for at least another week.
